Embryology kaplan usmle step 1 videos
Embryology kaplan usmle step 1 videos

Add some questions that you attempt with a piece of paper and a calculator. It will not help you ace the exam, it will make sure that you know the essential topics and can guarantee that you will pass if you know it cold from the beginning to the end. Apply the rules and tests mentioned above and select what you like. With these principles in mind, here is my favorite set to study and teach from. Accept this instead of running after every book and ending up with a pile of books that you cannot review in a timely fashion. As each book is written differently, they all have different deficiencies.

  • Once you have a set chosen then stick to it.
  • all Kaplan’s books, or all Becker’s books or all DrBeen’s topics, etc.
  • It is not necessary to choose a set that is by one company e.g.
  • Don’t compare a textbook to a notes book. Furthermore, some books are textbooks, some are review books, some are notes, and so on. If this was not the case then all of them will be the same one book.
  • Each book has some great points and some points that are missing.
  • embryology kaplan usmle step 1 videos

    Mix it up for a few topics and choose your favorite writer.

    embryology kaplan usmle step 1 videos

    To counter this bias, read another topic in the reverse order. You might incorrectly conclude that the last book you read the topic from is better. Mind it, when you will read the same topic from each book, you will become better from one to the next book.

  • Read a topic for example pathology of asthma from all candidate books and see which one helps you the most in terms of style of writing, diagrams, distractions, and recall.
  • Hence, you will have to choose your own set by reading various books.
  • Every book is valuable, however, everyone has a different taste and different ways to understand.
  • Here are a few principles and book names that I have gathered over the years from our students that prepare and take tests with various results. Each organ system is viewed from histologic, embryologic, physiologic, pathologic, and pharmacologic perspectives.Very often students ask me about the books they should use for the steps’ preparation. Each chapter includes high-yield information from the disciplines corresponding to the basic science courses taken during the first two years of medical school.


    The second section of the book features the following organ systems: cardiovascular respiratory renal and urinary hematologic and lymphoreticular nervous musculoskeletal, skin and connective tissue gastrointestinal endocrine and reproductive. These subjects precede the organ system chapters and serve as a comprehensive foundation for the organ-specific facts that follow. The first section of the book (General Principles) covers the general principles of pathology, pharmacology, physiology, behavioral science, biostatistics, biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, microbiology, immunology, embryology, and histology. This way of reviewing allows you to obtain a complete, comprehensive understanding of any given topic. For example, rather than sequentially reviewing each discipline within an organ system (anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology), the book integrates important information across various disciplines for a given subtopic in one placesometimes on a single page.

    embryology kaplan usmle step 1 videos

    Our design allows a unique level of integration between the disciplines. The medEssentials review book, structured by organ system and in a compact, concise fashion, presents the most relevant and important basic medical principles with reference charts and corresponding mages.

    Embryology kaplan usmle step 1 videos